Rhinoplasty offers solutions to aesthetic appearance and breathing problems in the nose.

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance and functionality of the nose. Various congenital or post-traumatic deformities not only affect the esthetic appearance but can also cause breathing problems. For this reason, rhinoplasty also solves breathing problems affecting many people's quality of life, including esthetic concerns.
Rhinoplasty provides solutions for esthetic appearance or breathing problems; that is, rhinoplasty, arched and large nasal bone, the curvature of the nasal bone, nose length and drooping nasal tip, and large or asymmetrical nostrils provides solutions.
Although it varies from person to person, rhinoplasty, which takes an average of 2-2.5 hours, has become a very comfortable procedure with the development of today's techniques and technologies. With the right specialist and procedure, people can achieve the look of their dreams in no time, leaving their breathing problems behind.
Preparation for rhinoplasty is as important as post-operative care and follow-up. The nose of the patient consulted for surgery is analyzed by Dr Ahmet Dilber. This analysis process is possible when the patient sends his/her pictures or comes to the clinic for a preliminary consultation. Deformities and problems in the nose are noted, the health history is mentioned if there is no obstacle to the surgical process, the patient is informed about the expectations of the surgery, and Dr Ahmet Dilber performs a simulation for the post-operative image of the nose. The simulation gives the patient a realistic impression of how he or he/she will look at the end of the surgery.
The patient's blood tests and examination with the anesthesiologist are performed the day before the surgery. The patient is ready for the procedure if the analysis and anaesthesia results do not reveal any findings that could prevent the nose surgery. To achieve the best results and have a pleasant surgery, the patient must abstain from non-recommended behaviours (taking anticoagulants, smoking) 1-2 weeks before the surgery. At this time, the physician's pre-operative and post-operative instructions should be followed.

Day 1: Nose surgery is one of the most comfortable surgeries in terms of pain. The patient may experience very mild pain on the first day. Once the effects of the anaesthesia wear off after surgery, the patient can breathe through the nose (thanks to the perforated silicone pads we use). On the first day, ice is applied to the patient's face, and it is recommended to keep the head elevated. During the first three days, swelling and bruising may occur around the eyes and cheeks. After the third day, these swellings begin to decrease, and by the end of the first week, facial swellings have decreased by 80%.

Day 7: On the 7th post-operative day, the nose patch and tampon are removed by Dr Ahmet Dilber, and this is the moment when you see your new nose in the mirror for the first time after the surgery. During the first week, some of the swelling on the nose and face will persist. Only thin bands will be placed around the nose to control the swelling. At the end of the second week, these bands will be removed.

1 Month: Most of the oedema of your nose regresses at the end of the first month. If the patient lives abroad or outside the province, controls are provided through photos. If he/she lives in Istanbul, he/she meets with Dr. Ahmet Dilber at the clinic and routine control is provided. If the patient needs massage or medication as a result of the controls, Dr. Ahmet Dilber can make recommendations. The routine checks will continue in the 3rd and 6th months.

1 Year: Although the final shape of the nose and its complete recovery varies from person to person, the nose usually takes its final shape after one year. After one year, Dr Ahmet Dilber will reevaluate your nose.
Esthetic procedures on the nose, which offer solutions to many problems and can be applied specifically to the patient for different requirements, can reduce, correct and reshape a person's nose. In addition to such procedures that improve the esthetic appearance, the problems in people's respiratory functions can be solved, and significant improvement can be achieved.Revision Rhinoplasty
In cases of undesirable esthetic and structural problems resulting from rhinoplasty, the second or third rhinoplasty performed is called revision rhinoplasty. Revision rhinoplasty attempts to improve the problems caused by the first surgery.
Nasal Deviation Surgery
Performed to treat breathing problems caused by the curvature of the nasal septum, nasal deviation surgery provides solutions to conditions such as nasal congestion, inability to breathe through the nose, sleeping with the mouth open, snoring, and dry throat.